cord clamping 1
***This is an edited and updated article about cord clamping that I originally published in 2015. Way back then, this term was brand spanking new*** For most of my career, I have been on a quest to take back much of the language that we utilize around birth in our […]

Physiologic Cord Clamping

midwifery and herbalism
The threads of midwifery and herbalism have been braided together since the beginning of time. Midwives have been healers as long as they have been attending births, caring for their communities in more ways than one. My pathway to midwifery began with an interest and study of herbalism. At the […]

Midwifery and Herbalism

American midwifery
The current American midwifery landscape is steeped in racism and white supremacy. We have a legacy that must be acknowledged in order to be rectified. Black activists and authors, Black midwives, doulas and birth workers, Black women, families and consumers have all been raising the alarm about the effects of […]

American midwifery

If you have been following our journey at Seasons, you will know it has been one wild ride! We are now, as of January 2023, reopened as a nonprofit center in our community. We have even welcomed our first baby to the new Seasons Community Birth Center family. For those […]

A New Nonprofit Frontier

I have always kept data and numbers for births. Since starting my midwifery practice, I have kept and publicly shared my personal stats. You can check out my latest post here. Outcome data is crucial for two primary reasons. First, to demonstrate our safety and secondly to objectively “check” ourselves […]

Statistics for Seasons Birth Center

If you know me, you know that I adore podcasts. My friends tease me about how many times I say, “I was listening to a podcast….” as the start to a conversation. So, needless to say, whenever I am asked to be interviewed on one I will likely jump on […]

Podcast Love

Every midwife has a toolkit, in fact we all have multiple toolkits. We have the toolkits full of our technical supplies; the doppler, the blood pressure cuff, medications and herbs. We have the toolkits of support; the birth pool, the massaging hands, the birth balls. These are all external supplies. […]

In The Toolkit

Seasons 1
Farewell for now Seasons. Last week, Seasons Midwifery & Birth Center, in our current form, welcomed our last babies Earthside. The final 3 came in a whirlwind and were all born within 8 hours of each other. Not one of them was easy or simple. They all required our skills […]

Farewell For Now Seasons

700 Babies
700 Babies, born in the water, welcomed in the hospital, born on the land, welcomed in the community setting. Rooted in the soil Reaching through the milky stars A midwife stands guard The soul cracks and grows The water swirls and supports The eyes glow with grace Strong hands open […]

700 Babies

Drills for Community Birth
I have been a birth center midwife for well over a decade. During this time, I have developed a passion for leading and creating drills for community birth. It takes time, dedication and patience to organize these drills but they are critical to providing safe care to our families. In […]

Drills for Community Birth: Safety First