Monthly Archives: May 2016

Gratitude 6
I will walk in Gratitude. Gratitude. Tonight I choose to give thanks, this is part of my self care. Honoring the Great-Grandparents, the Grandparents and all the ancestor-midwives that have come before me. My current midwife colleagues who walk the path now. For the knowledge, skills and love that have […]


Ask A Midwife 4
Should all pregnancies be Induced at 39 Weeks? Absolutely not! You may wonder why we would even ask such a ridiculous question. Recently, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists held their annual meeting for 2016. One of the sessions was a “debate” between two Obstetricians as to whether all pregnant […]

Ask A Midwife: Induced at 39 Weeks?

Are routine vaginal exams in pregnancy necessary? I am here to tell you, emphatically, that no they are not! As a midwife, I tend to cringe at the very nature of any intervention being routine or necessary for every client.Routine vaginal exams to assess your cervix during pregnancy are one […]

The Myth of Vaginal Exams