A Midwife for Every Body is more than a catchy phrase, it is a universal truth that we must strive to reach. As a midwife, I have a strong belief that midwifery care needs to be accessible to all. Midwifery has a long history of helping to serve the under served and marginalized members of society. Here are some of my beliefs in regards to these issues.
I believe that race, class, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, gender expression, language or any other variable should not limit any individual’s access to midwifery care.
I believe that racial and reproductive justice are crucial to understand and that we must all strive to dismantle white supremacy and white privilege in our current systems. Systems that have been built on these foundations of racism and are currently the dominant structures in our society.
I believe that not all people who are born in a genetically female body feel connected to the gender expression of female and that the same applies to genetically male persons as well. All of these people deserve care that is compassionate, respectful and of high quality. These are hallmarks of midwifery care and therefor midwifery care is an essential option for these folks.
I believe that opening the midwifery umbrella of inclusivity does not diminish or marginalize those already covered under the umbrella, it simply makes more room for everyone to be welcome.
I am a Midwife and I will work to incorporate all of these concepts into my care. I am a Midwife and I will work to make midwifery care available and accessible to all people. I am a Midwife and I will work diligently to affect change and support others on their paths to wellness and wholeness, in whatever shape that means for each individual.
I also recognize my own white privilege and will strive to continue the necessary work to check my privilege, my actions and my words. I will strive for impact over intention and will be open to feedback. I will sit and listen when needed and will act when appropriate.
Here are some resources for more information on these topics:
A great video about white privilege https://vimeo.com/147760743
An article explaining white privilege https://www.tolerance.org/magazine/fall-2018/what-is-white-privilege-really
A landmark author on racial and reproductive justice https://www.lorettaross.com/default.html
For help learning how to understand gender https://www.genderspectrum.org/quick-links/understanding-gender/
A website specifically addressing gender inclusitity in midwifery, with a lovely Mission statement and many wonderful resources http://www.birthforeverybody.org/