
Barrier Methods 2
Barrier Methods: condoms (both male and female), diaphragms and cervical caps. Generally speaking all of these methods work by preventing sperm from passing through the cervix into the uterus and thus prevent fertilization. Hence the term “barrier methods” as they literally create a barrier to fertilization. The most well known […]

Covering Contraception: Barrier Methods

Fertility Awareness Method 2
As a Midwife, I believe strongly in the wisdom of the body and our ability to harness its powers. This installment of Covering Contraception: Fertility Awareness Method or FAMĀ (also known as Natural Family Planning or NFP) will give an overview of one such example of how we can use knowledge […]

Covering Contraception: Fertility Awareness Method

Covering Contraception 1
Presenting a new series that I am very excited about. In Covering Contraception, I will discuss multiple forms of contraception in use and available today. Back in the beginning of my path towards Midwifery, I faced an important decision; should I become a CPM or a CNM? I was dedicated […]

Covering Contraception: LARC’s