emotional support

Divinity 4
For me, to be with birth is to be with Divinity. To hold this sacred space and to welcome this new soul to the world is a true blessing. I have a sincere belief that if every adult human could be present for a healthy, supported and planned physiologic birth, […]


The Fifth Pearl
This series started many moons ago and I have refined and expanded it over the years. In this installment, I am sharing The Fifth Pearl. This Pearl pertains to your personal practice and to our Midwifery community as a whole; we must work together to affect the change that we […]

The Fifth Pearl

The Third Pearl 1
Let’s face it, as midwives we have an interesting calling.  It is profound, spiritual, demanding, awe inspiring and a little crazy.  It is systematic and mentally challenging work, to which we dedicate years of study.  It is also a complex, ever evolving work of art that we spend many years […]

The Third Pearl of Practice

Pearls of Practice 4
Many Moons ago, I started this series all about the Pearls of Practice that I have learned on my midwifery journey. I have decided to share them here, I hope that they can lend support and provide encouragement for others on this path. Stay tuned in the coming months for […]

The First Pearls of Practice

The Weavers Gathered. A room full of women, supporting, sharing and working through trauma together….. Close to one year ago, I attended a class called From Trauma to Triumph. It is based on the work of Penny Simkin, PT and Phyllis Klaus, MFT in their book When Survivors Give Birth. It was an […]

The Weavers

Postpartum Depression
While this article was still germinating in my mind, I sat down in front of my computer to reach out via social media. I asked folks to share their experience with Postpartum Depression (PPD) in three words. What happened next, was something I was not entirely prepared for or expecting. […]

Postpartum Depression

400 Babies 9
WOW! I have been blessed by 400 (actually 401) babies and their families. Since the beginning of my work as a midwife, I have been committed to keeping and maintaining my outcome statistics. Partially this is because I am a bit of a nerd, partially because I love to record […]

Blessed By 400 Babies

Births Remembered
396 births remembered.    396 births that I have been honored and blessed to attend as a midwife. Each has been unique, all beautiful. Some were funny and light-hearted. Some were hard fought, some were excruciating and pushed me to my limits. This work is demanding and asks everything that […]

Births Remembered

375 Births 2
For 10 years I have worked at a birth center; four and a half years as a nurse, six and a half years as a midwife and 375 births. My life has been dedicated to serving the families who choose our care. The work of a midwife is incredibly rewarding; […]

375 Births

Core Heart 2
What are Core Midwifery Skills? Recently, I was asked by the Editors of Midwifery Today magazine to share my thoughts on this question. Here is my answer. When I hear this question my mind goes to two worlds; one space focuses on the Art of midwifery and the other focuses […]

Core Midwifery Skills