empowered birth

Midwifery for Expectant Parents 3
I have dreamed of writing a book ever since I was knee high to a grasshopper (as my Grandpa would say). I am a life long devourer of books, never full, always looking for the next meal. I read all types of book, my hunger does not discriminate: fiction, non-fiction, […]

Midwifery for Expectant Parents

I am a Midwife 3
Deep in my bones I am a Midwife. Through my body, out of my hands and out to the universe. These are my words and my declaration. My promise and my burden. I take all of it and carry it forward. I am a Midwife, this word is charged    […]

I am a Midwife

Divinity 4
For me, to be with birth is to be with Divinity. To hold this sacred space and to welcome this new soul to the world is a true blessing. I have a sincere belief that if every adult human could be present for a healthy, supported and planned physiologic birth, […]


Nitrous Oxide 4
The use of Nitrous Oxide in Midwifery is both an old and new tool in the birth space. I’d like to use this post to discuss my experiences with it as a Midwife as well as some of the data available. Many years ago, I had been the Clinical Director […]

Nitrous Oxide in Midwifery

The Sixth Pearl
Gather Your Pearls, The Sixth Pearl is all about Community. As the single drop of water needs other drops to add in strength, so do midwives.  I had struggled with how to phrase this next pearl, wanting it sound just right, but not have it be too corny.  Finally, after […]

Pearls of Practice; the Sixth Pearl

Womb at Birth 2
Birth. One word, one syllable, five letters. The Womb at Birth carries the transformative power of the universe. I am accustomed to be conscious of, in tune to and in awe of the outward power of birth. The messy, beautiful making of a family. The gritty, earthy humanness of the […]

The Womb at Birth

Covering Contraception 1
Presenting a new series that I am very excited about. In Covering Contraception, I will discuss multiple forms of contraception in use and available today. Back in the beginning of my path towards Midwifery, I faced an important decision; should I become a CPM or a CNM? I was dedicated […]

Covering Contraception: LARC’s

The Fifth Pearl
This series started many moons ago and I have refined and expanded it over the years. In this installment, I am sharing The Fifth Pearl. This Pearl pertains to your personal practice and to our Midwifery community as a whole; we must work together to affect the change that we […]

The Fifth Pearl

Pearls of Practice 3
As I continue to share this series about some of my learned Pearls Of Practice, I am happy to share this Fourth Pearl. It is really one pearl that should be applied in two ways; to ourselves as practitioners and to the other practitioners that we work with, learn from and receive […]

The Fourth Pearls of Practice

Pearls of Practice 4
Many Moons ago, I started this series all about the Pearls of Practice that I have learned on my midwifery journey. I have decided to share them here, I hope that they can lend support and provide encouragement for others on this path. Stay tuned in the coming months for […]

The First Pearls of Practice