Improving birth

Divinity 4
For me, to be with birth is to be with Divinity. To hold this sacred space and to welcome this new soul to the world is a true blessing. I have a sincere belief that if every adult human could be present for a healthy, supported and planned physiologic birth, […]


Pearls of Practice 3
As I continue to share this series about some of my learned Pearls Of Practice, I am happy to share this Fourth Pearl. It is really one pearl that should be applied in two ways; to ourselves as practitioners and to the other practitioners that we work with, learn from and receive […]

The Fourth Pearls of Practice

The Third Pearl 1
Let’s face it, as midwives we have an interesting calling.  It is profound, spiritual, demanding, awe inspiring and a little crazy.  It is systematic and mentally challenging work, to which we dedicate years of study.  It is also a complex, ever evolving work of art that we spend many years […]

The Third Pearl of Practice

Pearls of Practice 4
Many Moons ago, I started this series all about the Pearls of Practice that I have learned on my midwifery journey. I have decided to share them here, I hope that they can lend support and provide encouragement for others on this path. Stay tuned in the coming months for […]

The First Pearls of Practice

Postpartum Depression
While this article was still germinating in my mind, I sat down in front of my computer to reach out via social media. I asked folks to share their experience with Postpartum Depression (PPD) in three words. What happened next, was something I was not entirely prepared for or expecting. […]

Postpartum Depression

birth center rights 5
***ADDED 8/28/2022. Mountain Midwifery Center was a free standing birth center in Englewood, CO that was open from 2006-2019. For many years it was the only birth center in CO. I worked there from 2006-2017, starting as a nurse and educator, then as a staff midwife and finally for the last […]

Birth Center Rights

Get Moving, kick up your feet, sweat and glow. Having an active pregnancy is a great way to help have a healthy pregnancy. Now, if you are anything like me, you do not glow when you are in the middle of  exercising. I actually tend to resemble a sweaty tomato […]

An Active Pregnancy

Core Heart 2
What are Core Midwifery Skills? Recently, I was asked by the Editors of Midwifery Today magazine to share my thoughts on this question. Here is my answer. When I hear this question my mind goes to two worlds; one space focuses on the Art of midwifery and the other focuses […]

Core Midwifery Skills

Ask A Midwife 4
I started this series, Ask A Midwife, a little while back. My goal was to start a dialogue and open a forum for people to ask questions that may have always wondered. Questions about midwifery, about birth, pregnancy, breastfeeding or parenthood. Questions from doulas, aspiring midwives and student midwives, birth […]

Ask A Midwife, Part Three