labor support

Midwifery for Expectant Parents 3
I have dreamed of writing a book ever since I was knee high to a grasshopper (as my Grandpa would say). I am a life long devourer of books, never full, always looking for the next meal. I read all types of book, my hunger does not discriminate: fiction, non-fiction, […]

Midwifery for Expectant Parents

Nitrous Oxide 4
The use of Nitrous Oxide in Midwifery is both an old and new tool in the birth space. I’d like to use this post to discuss my experiences with it as a Midwife as well as some of the data available. Many years ago, I had been the Clinical Director […]

Nitrous Oxide in Midwifery

The Fifth Pearl
This series started many moons ago and I have refined and expanded it over the years. In this installment, I am sharing The Fifth Pearl. This Pearl pertains to your personal practice and to our Midwifery community as a whole; we must work together to affect the change that we […]

The Fifth Pearl

The Third Pearl 1
Let’s face it, as midwives we have an interesting calling.  It is profound, spiritual, demanding, awe inspiring and a little crazy.  It is systematic and mentally challenging work, to which we dedicate years of study.  It is also a complex, ever evolving work of art that we spend many years […]

The Third Pearl of Practice

Tools of My Trade 2
As I continue with this hybrid series; part essay and part photo-essay about the Tools of My Trade, I am drawn to discuss my birth kit and tools. This post was inspired by an article that I recently stumbled across. It highlights midwives from around the world; Bangladesh, Guinea, Uganda, […]

Tools Of My Trade, #5

Pearls of Practice 4
Many Moons ago, I started this series all about the Pearls of Practice that I have learned on my midwifery journey. I have decided to share them here, I hope that they can lend support and provide encouragement for others on this path. Stay tuned in the coming months for […]

The First Pearls of Practice

Core Heart 2
What are Core Midwifery Skills? Recently, I was asked by the Editors of Midwifery Today magazine to share my thoughts on this question. Here is my answer. When I hear this question my mind goes to two worlds; one space focuses on the Art of midwifery and the other focuses […]

Core Midwifery Skills

Are routine vaginal exams in pregnancy necessary? I am here to tell you, emphatically, that no they are not! As a midwife, I tend to cringe at the very nature of any intervention being routine or necessary for every client.Routine vaginal exams to assess your cervix during pregnancy are one […]

The Myth of Vaginal Exams

Midwife 6
I am a midwife and that is how I think of myself.  As such, I proudly walk With Woman on the path through life’s cycles.  I am a community based provider, practicing my craft at a free standing birth center.  Caring for pregnant people and their families is a monumental […]

Midwife Between Worlds