
Womb at Birth 2
Birth. One word, one syllable, five letters. The Womb at Birth carries the transformative power of the universe. I am accustomed to be conscious of, in tune to and in awe of the outward power of birth. The messy, beautiful making of a family. The gritty, earthy humanness of the […]

The Womb at Birth

Tools of My Trade 2
As I continue with this hybrid series; part essay and part photo-essay about the Tools of My Trade, I am drawn to discuss my birth kit and tools. This post was inspired by an article that I recently stumbled across. It highlights midwives from around the world; Bangladesh, Guinea, Uganda, […]

Tools Of My Trade, #5

Postpartum Depression
While this article was still germinating in my mind, I sat down in front of my computer to reach out via social media. I asked folks to share their experience with Postpartum Depression (PPD) in three words. What happened next, was something I was not entirely prepared for or expecting. […]

Postpartum Depression

400 Babies 9
WOW! I have been blessed by 400 (actually 401) babies and their families. Since the beginning of my work as a midwife, I have been committed to keeping and maintaining my outcome statistics. Partially this is because I am a bit of a nerd, partially because I love to record […]

Blessed By 400 Babies

Ask A Midwife 6
For quite some time I have been mulling over the idea of doing an ‘Ask A Midwife’ series. Recently, I decided to go for it. To get started I posted this question to several Facebook groups “Imagine that you are sitting at your local coffee shop, with a local midwife. […]

Ask A Midwife, Part One

Here I sit at my kitchen table, sipping a mocha and watching the snow fall outside. Lately, I have been heavy thinking on the topic of pride. It is a subject that I often ponder from time to time. Clearly, too much pride can be a bad thing. However, pride […]

Midwife Pride